

TradePlace is a service established more than 10 years ago by the company Eniac, which supports and develops e-business technology without our clients´ need of a telecommunications or computer infrastructure, nor specialized human resources for the implementation of electronic commerce.

Likewise, Eniac, as a pioneer in Latin America in the field of electronic commerce, has today over 1600 organizations relying on for their trade through electronic means.

Eniac is distinguished by the rapid take-up of new business practices and technologies to respond quickly to market needs, offering our customers a modern and powerful automated quality, speed, security and control system.

Our commitment is to provide customers the best support and operational efficiency. Strengthening our progress in the market has been the key to our success and leadership, which now enables us to have a large number of customers satisfied with the service we provide.














TradePlace is an e-commerce service of ENIAC

Copyright 2001-2012 ENIAC, C.A. All rights reserved RIF: J-00110400-3